Sunday, November 18, 2012

Turkeys and Friends – I Know How to Pick ‘Em Both

It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a post to the Life as a Turkey Sandwich blog. The writing bug doesn’t bite me as often these days, but when it does – it is sincere. I am certainly in a better place this Thanksgiving than I was last year, thanks to the love and support of my family and cherished friends. So without further adieu, I simply need to express some thanks.

Ro – where would I be without you?  On the streets for one thing. Thank you for opening up your home to me. You exemplify the expression “Home is Where the Heart Is”. Your heart is so big we almost need another room to accommodate it. Thank you for all the nights you let me cry on your shoulder, held my hand and gave me the pep talks I needed. I am forever indebted to you and when I win the lottery, I will finally be able to pay you back ten-fold.
Molly – The Thelma to my Louise, or is that the other way around? Actually, I think we interchange the roles as needed. Thank you for always making me laugh when I thought I could never laugh again. Always just a phone call away, you came and rescued me on so many occasions. I am happy that you are finding your own happiness and contentment right now. You deserve the best.
Vic and Mary – How many people can say they have the best ex-husband in the world? You both show me the true meaning of family, especially at the holidays. Mary, the open arms that you and your sisters welcome me with over and over are so appreciated. I enjoy every moment I spend with you both.
Bill W – Thank you for being my champion. You are always there to build me up when I am feeling most down. You inspire me to write even when I am not feeling it. I always know when I need a lift, I can call you and quote Firesign Theatre and we are on a roll. Your friendship means more to me than even my words can ever express. I shall think of you on Christmas.
Doug L – After all these years, you came back into my life when I needed you most. You bring sunshine to my life at the start of every morning and sweet dreams at the end of each night. You, my friend, are one of the “good guys”. Together we will navigate the winding roads of the heart and clear each other’s paths to finding love and happiness once more. Never give up.

Jack and Clay – I will continue to savor our Sunday nights. The perfect way to end the week is sharing a Sunday dinner with close friends who mean so much to me. No one can keep our foursome down – we know how to laugh at our own tragedies! Thank you for understanding me and always letting me be myself. Love you both.
Richard O – You make my cup runneth over (get your mind out of the gutter, LOL). You have no idea how many times you bring a smile to my face and warm my heart. I don’t know which I love more about you – your intelligence or your sense of humor. I guess they go hand-in-hand.

Kristen – my own personal guardian angel. You lift me up without even knowing it.
And last, but most certainly not least, my Vicki and Kelly. I don’t know who did such a good job of raising you (your dad and I can argue over that one), but you both amaze me every day. You have stayed by my side every step of this journey and always know when I need a visit or a talk. A prouder mommy does not exist. You are beautiful inside and out. I hope if you have learned anything from me it is to never give up on your dreams.

As I write this, with tears in my eyes, a 24-pound turkey is cooking in the oven. And in a couple of hours some of you will be here to share this impromptu Thanksgiving dinner with me. (Ro, you will be here in spirit for sure). Nothing warms my heart more than sharing a meal made with the special ingredient.
I wish you all a safe, happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

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